Friday, August 25, 2006

Oh where, oh where has my little life gone?

Oh where or where could it be?

Well it has been a while since I have posted. My portmanteau is gathering dust and life has thrown a few curve balls my way. Usually when under stress I introvert into myself, for strength, so I have less to offer to my blogging, friends and family. I'm not interested in explaining what is going on, as it is personal, and this no place to air my medical issues. Still here and hope to be back on track in the next week or two. I have lots of pictures to post from a trip to Seattle and the fireworks from the fourth of July.

Well, ta ta for now and will return w/ a plethora of photos.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Oh snap!

As she passes her brother half of her hamburger, it drops on the table. "Oh snap!” she says. Now this word is not unfamiliar in our home and if you are not familiar with this slang term for you are. Our ten year old has used it on many occasions. I will also mention that we have no objections to our children using these words, in the right context and company. Better for them to know why people use these words and when and where they can use them, than to be told they are taboo.

Now if you have read my other blog you will know that we play Airsoft. Now the same girl that said, "Oh Snap" also came to me on our most recent camping trip and asked me how to use my Airsoft 45 handgun. Now she is only 4 1/2, so she is easily distracted and thinking she would see a butterfly and skip off, I didn't concern myself on why she wanted to see it now and not any other time she has seen it out or me using it. So, I showed her the gun pointing out the safety, the clip and slide, then how to hold the gun. With my assistance she held the gun and fired it. Reflecting now, I should have known there was an ulterior motive to her curiosity. She then turned, still holding the gun, and started to walk away. I stopped her, removing the gun from her hand while asking her, "Where are you going?" She said, "I'm going to shoot (insert brothers name)." Realizing at this moment that she had been watching our friends use her brother as a target as he ran spastically through an area of dense trees about 75 feet away. She just wanted to join in with the rest of the guys.

I love that I can post these moments so I can remember them for their future. I always enjoyed hearing stories about quirky things I did myself when I was a kid. I hope they will too.

Now for my son, who hates to read, came to me one day perplexed with his future job options. He had been trying to come up with a profession where he thought he wouldn’t have to read to do the job. He came up to me, after hours of contemplating, and asked, “Do I have to know how to read to pass out peanuts on an airplane?” Priceless…and of course I told him he will have to know how to read for any job and having a good education is the most important thing, but still priceless.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

When Pink Pigs Fly!

I am illuminated that I have again discovered another piece of my own puzzle. More integrated yet still being fabricated. Proud of myself for recognizing what works. Up, up, up and away. Keep your hands and feet inside the ride until it comes to a complete stop.

Friday, June 02, 2006

A View of the Cube - Exhibit G

Outta this World

I'm all discombobulated by all that is unfolding around me. Three days off then return to work and Tuesday is smooth sailing with only three days left in the work week. Then Wednesday I come to work to find out that our info resource dept is going to start moving our phones. This means that I will be logged into my phone, but if the back line rings it will be for the rep whose phone I am now using and vise versa. This sucks! Then Thursday, while in a meeting, my computer gets relocated to my new cube. All my stuff was collected together, but I was not prepared to make the move, TODAY! FUCK! Really it was yesterday, but I due to the level of anxiety that this gave me I was unable to, well pretty much, function the rest of the day. When you have OCD tendencies, sudden changes can really put you to the test. I have to have my stuff very specifically placed for me to be productive at work. I am very anal and organized. So I went home at lunch, I only live 5 min from my work, and had to get two duffel bags to bring all my toys home. No I am sitting in a very bland, no personal cubie and it is really sad! This was my Katrina, no warning and total devastation, but I will rebuild.

Posted are the remaining pictures of the cube in its entire splendor.
Crazy Daisy
Girly Girl
Toddler Toys
The Cube

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A View of the Cube - Exhibit F

We, my department, are all under the current assumption, from management, that we will be moving to our new cubes on 6/15/06. I have already removed all my items from the wall and moved all my goodies to the shelf for further packing. Pictured above is the rest of my mini mart display. In addition to previously posted items there is Cholesterol Hair Cream Conditioner by Queen Helene, Rise Super Foam travel shaving cream, a sample size tub of black Playdough, three pack of McCraw's Old Fashioned Taffy (found this at a dollar store. I loved this shit when I was a kid! Should have bought two so I could have opened a package and ate one! Bugger!), my .50 cent, capsule novelty dispensed Happy Bunny that says "Hi Stupid", a deck of Celebrity mug shot playing cards, a Barbie statue my daughter gave me from her Happy Meal and on the wall is a MikWright cocktail napkin. While taking down my stuff today I decided that I would pull from the depths of my storage unit my previously retired toys. I haven't seen most of them since the end of 2000 when they were cast into the darkness for our move from Seattle to Reno. This will make the move a little more pleasurable for myself. I will continue to post more pictures of the cubie up till the move date.

Additional note: New team name is "Switchboard Betties"; now I'm sure... some of you can figure out what I do in the cube.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Answer Me Buddha

Question: Will the reorganization be a positive change for our department?
Answer Me Buddha: Look to the Lotus
(I thought he might say, "Where is my monkey?", but that's okay;
I pray it meant things will go bloomingly smooth)

Saturday, May 27, 2006

A View of the Cube - Exhibit E

Orange Light Special
Warning! I have upgraded to code orange. On Friday I discovered the fate of my new position across the room. My new cube. I will now have a solid wall with two cube walls and will be in the center. I'll be moving from the west side to the east side. Before, those that entered the department would approach from my back, on the left. Now I will have a direct view of any other employee approaching me, to my left. That is a positive change for me. We have to pick a team name and our first choice "Crap Shooters" was turned down as being negative. Don't know if I will publish the final name or not. That question and more answered on the next installment of "A View of the Cube".